February 7, 2023


Gary Community School Corporation’s Partnership with Boeing expands STEM interest among Scholars

(Gary, IND) – For the past few years, the Gary Community School Corporation (GCSC) has been working with Boeing  to expand the STEM interest among students. This past week, the CTE (Career and Technical Education) students at the Gary Area Career Center participated in the company’s STEM Roadshow initiative.

Through this program, students completed a hands-on project with support of Boeing staff. This year’s challenge was a Hack-a-box Design where the students built a box that could only be opened by the designer and would remain safe from hackers.

“The challenge for some seemed impossible, but they lit up when they discovered that they were capable of completing the challenge,” said Shelly Martin, Director at the Gary Area Career Center. “We are determined to provide as many of these types of opportunities as possible for our students which allows them to fully explore STEM careers.”

The ongoing relationship with the Gary Area Career Center has not only supported its Aviation program, but  other STEM-focused concentrations including the CNA track and graphic design.

“These partnerships provide opportunities for our scholars to gain first-hand experience in their desired field of study,” said Dr. Paige McNulty, Manager of GCSC. “We invite other corporate partners to the table to create amazing experiences for our students.”

In continuous support of careers in STEM, Boeing offers a scholarship for students who select STEM-focused career pathways in college. Applications are open until February 28th. Five scholars out of 10 winners last year were from West Side Leadership Academy..

To apply for the Boeing scholarship visit

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