Dear Students, Families, Staff, and Community Members,
Earlier this year, the Gary Community School Corporation released The Path Forward, our bold two-year plan for continuing to improve academics, engagement, fiscal matters, and operations in the district. This plan was designed to hold ourselves accountable to you and to report to you, every three months, how much progress we are making. 
Today, I’m pleased to share with you the first quarterly progress report
As you’ll see, we’ve made significant gains in many areas over the last three months, even as the ongoing pandemic has challenged all of us. Students now have more access to career pathways, community members have more opportunities to engage with schools, and teachers are receiving an overdue raise, their first in more than a decade. 
I’m proud of how GCSC students, families, and staff are rising to the challenge!
The progress report also notes how much more work we have to do. In particular, we are focusing on improving our math and reading skills and making remote learning as effective as possible. 
Please share your feedback on the progress report at
I hope you and your family have a happy and healthy winter break. 
Dr. Paige McNulty
GCSC Manager